
You know how you’re walking down the street one day, and you spot something. Not something big, like a road accident, or a bank robbery, but just something small. Just one of those niggles that, while it doesn’t make things better, it doesn’t really make things that much worse. A broken piece of pavement you […]

Trust Me

The hypnotist leaned over the table and turned on the recorder. “Bennett Mason,” he said into the microphone. “Monday, September the 24th, seven twelve P M. Eliot Hunter, past life regression session number fourteen.” Mason’s mouth twitched into a smile as he sat back down. “What do you see, Eliot?” he asked. Hunter moaned. “Trust […]

Nicola’s Neighbour

Ben parked the van outside the apartment block and looked at his watch. “Two hours and a half,” he said. “Not too bad for packing your entire life into a van.” Nicola adjusted her woolly hat and shook her head. “Can’t believe I’ve left that old place though.” “Well, at least you own this one.” […]

Last Drawer On The Right

I sat down on the old cracked leather sofa, thinking. This house is mine, now. After all this time. I came here as a kid, played here, spent my first Christmas gurgling and laughing on the very floor I’m staring at. When I was eight I ate too many Easter eggs and had to spend […]


“What is that?” Frank asked, pointing. “It’s a xeme,” the bald man said. “Also known as a fork-tailed gull, or Sabine’s gull.” “Is it real?” “Stuffed, of course,” the man said. “It’s about twenty or more years old, I’m really not sure off the top of my head. Came from a retired soldier or something […]


“Can you tell me the way to the castle?” The man behind the bar scratched at his moustache and looked at the customer doubtfully. “Why do you want to go there?” the bartender asked. “He’s a crazy old man.” “I’m a journalist,” the man said. “Paul Rossi. I’ve been asked to interview him.” The bartender […]


“Where’s the transport, Captain?” “What?” the captain looked up from the viewfinder of her camera and looked over. Puzzled, she said “It’s not there.” “I didn’t hear it, did you?” “No, Private, I didn’t.” They looked at each other for a moment. “So… what do we do now?”

Zero Nine

The clouds lifted a little, and the sun peeped out. Henry and Harriet, snuggling together on the sofa, didn’t notice. Moira continued her knitting. Graeme put down his book and looked up. “It seems to have finally got sunny out there,” he said. “Shall we take those dogs of yours out now?” “All right,” Moira […]


XENON “You put our money into what?” “Xenon,” John replied, grinning, wiping his hand on his paint stained overalls. “What, exactly is xenon? Don’t they make photocopiers?” “It’s a gas,” John said. “Not a photocopier maker.” Shannon sighed, turned round and took off her coat. It was enough to deal with having to try to […]

The Woman In The Water

“It’s hot today,” Megan said. “Hmm,” Eric managed to say, the melting ice cream occupying most of his attention. “It’s quite nice, really.” “You only like hot weather,” she replied. “I’m sure you were a lizard in a former life.” He took his attention away from the ice cream and flicked his tongue at Megan, […]