The screen door opened before the sheriff’s foot even hit the floor. Somewhere in the house, a dog barked. “Sheriff Nicholls,” Mrs Trotter nodded. She was thin, sunburned lines etched into her face. “Good afternoon Mrs Trotter.” He made a small wave with one hand and got out of the car. “What can I do […]
Trees Looking At Me
“The trees are looking at me again,” Kyra said, playing with her hair. “They do that, mummy, when they think you’re not looking.” “Don’t be silly,” her mother said. “If I hear you say that again, I’ll have to be cross with you. Now go and play with your dolls.” “I can’t,” she sighed, still […]
“What the hell are you doing?” “I’m sorry Mr Munro,” Jacob said. “I was just taking a little look at -” Munro grabbed the book from him and slammed it closed, putting it back on the shelf. He turned back to Jacob, his expression a hard-to-read mix of anger, scorn and perhaps even fear. “I’m […]