New domain

I’ve aded as another front end for this site. It’s not the primary endpoint, the .com will continue to exist. But it’s there. Maybe I’ll find a better use for it later and change it, but for now it’s just a mirror of what’s posted here.

And I’m back…

First of all, my apologies. The site was offline for a while. It should have been for a few days, because my hosting company sorted the problem and provided a repair tool to everyone quite quickly. Unfortunately I’ve had a few distractions of late so I wasn’t as on the ball as I should have […]

Walking Home

So here’s some big news! I know that when I said I was going to write a story for every week of the year, it was going to be fifty-two. Well, it looks like it’s going to be fifty-three… The Story Guide Podcast if you’re not familiar with it, is based around writing autobiographical (or […]

Year of Short Stories

New Year’s Resolutions are a wonderful thing, aren’t they? “Let’s lose weight”, is how it starts. Then it’s “we’ll go to the gym every day, save 20% of every pay cheque in a high interest account and learn to play the flute.” Then around halfway through New Year’s Day, reality sets in and you end […]


I’m happier with the theme, although it looks a bit bland right now. I’ll fix that soon… /edit: no, sorry. Reverted.