How to edit directly in the cell in Libre Office Calc

It’s been bugging me for years… the only thing I really prefer in Excel over Libre Office Calc is that I can tell Excel I always want to edit in the input line, rather than directly in the cell. Turns out you can do this in Libre Office too, just customise the keyboard and change […]

Where does “Minions” fit in the Gruniverse?

I have some thoughts about the movie “Minions”. Be afraid. Be Very Afraid. I recently re-watched the film “Minions“. And as much as I enjoyed it – some things bug me about it. In fact, it contradicts the earlier films, and not just in a small way, but in a few big ways. And that’s […]

A fly

I’ve been a bit quiet of late on this blog – for reasons that I’ll go into at a later date – but I wanted to just share a little incident that happened today. I work from home now, which means that I have my own little office upstairs. It appears to be a room […]

The Singularity vs Kurt Godel

It’s 3am right now. I’ve been drifting off to sleep with Spotify mobile, only to wake up with a start with a weird thought. There’s a well-known idea called “the technological singularity“, which is the point where machine intelligence outstrips human intelligence – where perhaps the machines become self aware, too. Its treatment in popular […]